Ctrl Alt Delete Reboot Your Business, Reboot Your Life. Your Future Depends on it.

As industry is moving into the fully-digital future, businesses and employees are left unsure where things are headed or what they must do to survive and thrive.

To succeed in this rapidly changing environment internationally-acclaimed digital marketing guru Mitch

Joel offers …



Five Digital Strategies


  1. Build Truly Direct Relationships with Customers

Don't "blast back impersonal offers and specials" to your social media followers. Interact individually with them and look for ways to deliver value.


  1. Provide Utility

Give priority to helping your customers ahead of promoting your brand -- like bathroom tissue maker

Charmin's mobile app that helps users find clean public restrooms.


  1. Understand Passive versus Active Media

With passive media, we let content wash over us; with active media, we participate, contributing ideas and activity. Ensure you use both to optimize the relationship with your customer.


  1. Exploit Data

Integrate the linear (direct) data you collect from customers, with circular (indirect) information you glean from their social media postings and other online activities.


  1. Recognize the One Screen World

Customers use many devices but the screen they have in front of them is all that matters. Ensure your presence is purpose-designed for each one.


To align your mindset to this revolution:

  • Be digital savvy. Tech is not just someone else's responsibility.
  • Embrace change, risk and opportunity in your career.
  • Use social networks to increase personal interactivity
  • Market yourself by helping others you encounter online
  • Be a digital nomad, ready to work and connect wherever you are
  • Be your own start-up, reinvent yourself by investing in your education and aligning yourself with mentors.
  • Welcome whatever's around the digital corner.


Reboot your business and yourself to achieve digital era prosperity!


By Mitch Joel