One Easy Way to Create Great Content That You’re Not Utilizing

Entrepreneur: Latest Articles

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Greg Rollett uses Times Square as a backdrop to make a great point about powerful content you could be making but aren't. Rollett reminds viewers to use their current surroundings and fun experiences for content -- what Gary Vaynerchuk calls documenting, rather than creating.

By documenting fun experiences -- like getting to shoot a web show in Times Square -- you provide your audience a new and authentic experience that makes for great content. Plus, you don't have to stretch for new ideas because the opportunity is already right in front of you.

Click play to learn more about how you can take advantage of this strategy.

Related: These Entrepreneurs Use the Power of Their Community to Grow and Give Back

Entrepreneur Network is a premium video network providing entertainment, education and inspiration from successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders. We provide expertise and opportunities to accelerate brand growth and effectively monetize video and audio content distributed across all digital platforms for the business genre.

EN is partnered with hundreds of top YouTube channels in the business vertical. Watch video from our network partners on demand on Amazon FireRokuApple TV and the Entrepreneur App available on iOS and Android devices.

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One Easy Way to Create Great Content That You're Not Utilizing
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Thinking About Using a Third-Party Social Media Tool for Your Content? Read This First.

Greg Rollett

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Greg Rollett uses Times Square as a backdrop to make a great point about powerful content you could be making but aren't. Rollett reminds viewers to use their current surroundings and fun experiences for content -- what Gary Vaynerchuk calls documenting, rather than creating.By documenting fun experiences -- like getting to shoot a web show in Times Square -- you provide your audience a new and authentic experience that makes for great content. Plus, you don't have to stretch for new ideas because the opportunity is already right in front of you.Click play to learn more about how you can take advantage of this strategy.Related: These Entrepreneurs Use the Power of Their Community to Grow and Give BackEntrepreneur Network is a premium video network providing entertainment, education and inspiration from successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders. We provide expertise and opportunities to accelerate brand growth and effectively monetize video and audio content distributed across all digital platforms for the business genre.EN is partnered with hundreds of top YouTube channels in the business vertical. Watch video from our network partners on demand on Amazon Fire, Roku, Apple TV and the Entrepreneur App available on iOS and Android devices.Click here to become a part of this growing video network.Related:One Easy Way to Create Great Content That You're Not UtilizingHere's How to Wring Value From Outdated Blog PostsThinking About Using a Third-Party Social Media Tool for Your Content? Read This First.

Documenting your life can be just as powerful as creating content.