When you decide on a personal brand, you obviously want to to grow and succeed. After all, not many people go through all that trouble to fail. The thing is, how exactly do you get your brand to succeed? How do you get your brand recognized by the right audience? How do you get that audience to grow? These are important questions. Every person seeking to establish a personal brand should not only be asking these questions, but also actively looking for the answers. Often, the right answers to these questions can make a brand, just as the wrong answers can break one. The easiest way to grow your brand, and your audience, is to understand your strengths. When you play to these strengths, you increase your chances of success. That's because these advantages are your keys to increased brand recognition and, as we all know, brand recognition is everything. People, who recognize your brand, understand your products and services. People who understand your products and services are much likely to become customers. It's that simple. You can divide your strengths, or assets, into two broad categories. There are those that you leverage online and there are those you use offline. Each is a little different, so we'll take a look at each one separately. Online assets are the things that use to establish your brand on the internet. First and foremost of these are the social media networks. Information travels around the globe at the speed of light, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Your brand is a piece of all this information. The social networks allow you to get your brand noticed by the people most likely to become your audience and your customers. Use them wisely and use them often. Remember, that you are your brand. So, your online behavior is indicative of how people will perceive what you are selling. The internet is always on and when you're on the internet, you need to be too. Offline assets are the things that you use to establish your brand away from the internet. These include the more traditional ways of branding, such as business cards, print advertising and the good old handshake and a smile. Don't ignore these offline assets. They still are a very powerful way to meet and positively influence people. When people have a positive personal experience with you, they could very well become your next clients or customers