Start-up Ideation

Drunk Tank Pink And Other Unexpected Forces that Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave

In the late 1970’s researchers discovered that a particular  shade of pink had a calming effect on people. Soon  after, drunk tanks  and even  some colleges visitors’ locker rooms were being  painted pink to try to take advantage of this fact.

Marketing and psychology professor Adam Atler shares the profound  effects  that hidden cues like color have  on us, so we can  mitigate  their effect or use  them to our benefit. According to Atler, these cues tend to reside in three

Difficult Conversations : How to Discuss What Matters Most

If you think difficult conversations can’t  be made easy, you’re  not alone.

It turns out there  are only 3 types. Diagnose which type you’re  in so you can  change it from being  emotionally taxing to a “learning conversation” where  problems get solved.


Three Types of Difficult Conversations


The “What Happened?” Conversation


Centers on who’s right, and who’s wrong.


The solution  is to shift from a blame-focused to a solution-focused conversation.

Acknowledge your own contribution  to the issue first – preventing other  party using it

as a weapon.

Decisive : How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work

Authors Chip and Dan Heath help us make better decisions with their four-step process known as WRAP:


Widen Your Options:   Choices are rarely black-and-white so consider multiple alternatives. When life offers you “this or that” choices, always remember that the right answer might be “none of the above.”


Reality-Test Your Assumptions:  Innovative business leaders, like the late Steve Jobs, understand the power of testing assumptions. Rather than spending months planning the perfect product, they have their design team hack together a quick

Ctrl Alt Delete Reboot Your Business, Reboot Your Life. Your Future Depends on it.

As industry is moving into the fully-digital future, businesses and employees are left unsure where things are headed or what they must do to survive and thrive.

To succeed in this rapidly changing environment internationally-acclaimed digital marketing guru Mitch

Joel offers …



Five Digital Strategies


Build Truly Direct Relationships with Customers

Don’t “blast back impersonal offers and specials” to your social media followers. Interact individually with them and look for ways to deliver value.


Provide Utility

Give priority to helping your customers ahead of promoting

Creative Confidence Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All

Creativity is eclipsing all other factors as the key to growth – and even survival – for every type of business. An IBM survey of 1,500 CEOs reports that thinking creatively is the most important leadership competency.

Yet, only 25% of employees surveyed say they’re living up to their creative potential.  Could we be holding ourselves back? Perhaps we feel that being creative is a fixed trait…it’s not!

Creative confidence is like a muscle – it can be strengthened through  effort and

Contagious. Why Things Catch On

Qu’est-ce qui rend les choses populaires ? Pourquoi certaines idées se propagent-elles du jour au lendemain, tandis que d’autres disparaissent ? Comment se fait-il que certains produits deviennent omniprésents, tandis que d’autres ne gagnent jamais en popularité ? Jonah Berger partage les réponses dans son :


6 étapes clés pour arriver les gens à parler et à partager


S – Monnaie sociale

La monnaie sociale est comme le papier-monnaie – quelque chose de valeur que nous distribuons. Donc, nous disons aux gens

Answers to Your Most Important Money Questions


Quelles sont les trois choses les plus importantes que vous puissiez faire pour votre sécurité financière ? Enregistrez, enregistrez et enregistrez.

Économisez sur vos revenus en investissant, économisez sur vos dépenses en réduisant vos dépenses et évitez les tracas et les soucis en étant bien organisé.

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz explique comment utiliser cette approche à travers…


3 étapes critiques de la vie

1 . Lorsque la retraite est dans 10 ans : calculez le montant dont vous aurez besoin en calculant

revenus et dépenses mensuels. Renforcez vos

Creating A Business That Can Thrive Without You

For every small business owner who wants to cash-out, there are about a hundred businesses that just won’t sell. Whether you want to sell or not, it’s always reassuring to know that the business you’ve built from the ground up is actually worth something.


Build Your Business to Sell: 3 Critical Steps:



You need a service or product  that has  the potential  to scale. It also must be (1) valuable to your customers, which avoids  commoditization; and (2) have  “teachable” processes for




Écrit par Chekem Pierre



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